Two syllables, seven letters - the magic number of nature -, a polysemous word that arouses many imaginations, around beauty, French excellence and gentleness. There was no other name as apt as Fleuron to embody our house of French High Leather Goods. Like a haiku, a little Japanese poem that is sometimes pronounced in a single breath, Fleuron strives to celebrate the essential moments of life and draws its inspiration from nature and its qualities. more beautiful to offer.

Fleuron Paris, French house of High Leather Goods
It was under the skies of Paris that the idea of creating a “slow fashion”* High Leather Goods house was hatched, concerned with providing our customers with the best quality, at the best price without compromising respect for nature in which we live.
Our founder, Marine, a leather goods enthusiast who has ten years of experience in the sector, launched Fleuron in 2020 , alongside experts and fashion accessories enthusiasts. His vision ? Rather a philosophy of a “New Luxury”, where each product appears simple, pure, harmonious by the quality of its details.
Our commitments to more sustainable fashion
Fleuron's key word: intransigence. On the quality of materials sourced from excellent tanners, on the work of leather crafted by hand in the best Italian workshops and on the fair price, without intermediaries.
One of our mantras: make less, but better. Each piece is the result of long research work, both on quality and design, until obtaining the result imagined in the first sketches... Our collection is thus enriched over time, by timeless creations designed to last for a long time, rather than for a single season. We focus our efforts on the essential only, to bring your next essentials to life, with simplicity and harmony.

Inspired by sculpture and the feminine curves of botany, our creations are refined and elegant through the meticulousness and demand for each detail . Our modern, urban style is a gentle ode to the sophisticated but natural Parisian woman and her enigmatic character that captivates more than one passerby...
* Slow fashion: in opposition to “fast fashion”, “slow fashion” is a concept which aims to counter a mass and standardized production model, by highlighting the quality of the products and the transparency of the value chain. , the diversity and responsibility of its actors.